
We went to the zoo in Indianapolis with some awesome friends a week or two ago. It was so fun, and cold, and the flamingoes were my favorite, and bears are so fuzzy it hurts to not snuggle them. But when I got home, I realized that most of my pictures were of my kids, haha. Nothing is cuter than those little beasts, and they are definitely the wildest of animals. :o)

Just feeling grateful today. :0)
Love you,


  1. The zoo is a best park for child their loves animal, this photo are very cool, i love all is nature jn the world. In my blog mountsin and snow

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It was cold and yet your daughter is wearing sandals!! So like my children, running around in just t shirts in the freezing cold!

  4. The flamingos were beautiful, Disney as were your children. It is certainly not cold here as we are having an extended summer and autumn weather doesn't seem to be anywhere on the horizon at the moment.

  5. I haven't been reading your blog for a while because life just sort of happens. And I am so shocked to see how much Paige has grown!!! Beautiful girl!! xxx

  6. Your children are so beautiful Disney! I had to laugh about myself the other day at the supermarket, they currently have a lot of "flamingo things" (paper napkins etc., maybe a trend this summer?) and I immediately thought of you!

  7. I loved the flamingo display. My husband and I went to the Indy zoo in March as part of our anniversary trip. The new (at least since the last time we were there) flamingo area was much improved and we commented on it several times, even to our children who missed out on the trip since it was our anniversary =)

  8. I live in Indianapolis and am now so excited that you have been here!


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