Paige CRAFTS! #5 Floral Bookmarks!

Welcome to Paige CRAFTS #5! Today she and I are co-crafting. :O)
I think we've talked before about how much Paige loves our local librarians. The other day she wanted to make a craft for them and I suggested bookmarks! Then she and I kicked around a few ideas and came up with these two designs. For the flowers she used this tutorial that we shared a couple of years ago. She did made hers almost all by herself! Including the glue gun action. (So grown up!) Here she is to tell all about the design above:

"Hello, this is Paige! How I made these bookmarks is, like, first you choose some fabric (ribbon) and then you...hmm, let's see...cut out circles and after those circles you fold them and you get a glue gun and put them on the fabric (ribbon) and in the middle you put glue in the flower and then put in the bead you want. When you're done, get some felt and then whoever you want to give it to, put their initials on it and then you give it to the person.

I gave them to Vicky and Roxane and Elly, the librarians. They are librarians. To be nice. They were surprised! I like them because they're good friends. They always be nice to me. One time with daddy she gave me a prize thing without me even winning it! I got a free ticket to go to taco time and they gave me some chocolate kisses, but I couldn't eat them. And she gives hugs, but she doesn't usually give kisses. I just found out what Roxane loves: fairies. Bye-bye! Love, Paige"

This next design was my idea, but Paige picked out the materials and colors. I like having a multi-strand bookmark for when I'm teaching bible class so that I don't have to waste time finding the scriptures I need, so I thought I'd make some flower bookmarks with "stem" markers! :O)

  • Cut three different kinds of green ribbon or trim long to about 3'' longer than your book.

  • Then cut two small, felt petal shapes on the fold for each flower.
  • You'll also need two small felt circles (about the size of a half-dollar) for each bookmark.
  • Twist each petal piece twice with a tiny dab of hot glue to hold the twist in place.
  • Then glue one petal piece onto the other. Repeat for all flowers.
  • Glue the top of each piece of ribbon to one of the felt circles.
  • Glue the other circle on top.
  • Glue all three flowers to the top of the circle.

Ta-da! :o)

Here is Paige with two of her library-ladies. They really are such, sweet, special women. I have to admit, a big part of the reason I take Paige to the library so often is because of them. They are always so upbeat and caring!

This is random, but when I was little it my absolute dream to be a librarian. (Have I told you this story before?) My sister and I used to sit in our room with piles of books and a hairbrush (as a "stamp" to stamp the due date...remember stamped due dates?!?) to check books out to each other. It was one of my favorite things to play!

Well, happy Friday, you!!
Paige and Disney

P.S. As always, feel free to leave a comment for Paige, she loves reading them!


  1. Paige, your bookmarks are very cute. I can't wait to see what craft you make next.

    Lately I've been reading e-books and this makes me miss paper editions so very much.

  2. Dear Paige,
    I'm French and I live in France (but I check your mum's blog every day and I love reading her articles) and I think you made really beautiful bookmarks.
    Also you're so smiling on your mum's photos - I appreciate this because my teenaged sons just run as for their lives when I want to take their picture and since they're now much taller than me I can never catch them again...

  3. Hi Paige,

    Thank you for teaching us such a pretty craft. I can't wait to make 1 or 2 or many! :-) also, it was very nice that you shares it with your friends, so nice of you.

    Can't wait for the next craft!

    Hugs and kisses from Arizona and Mexico! :-)

    <3. Ana

  4. So cute! And yes, I am of the era of borrowing a book and having it stamped, and do you also remember actually having your own named library card (cardboard, naturally) that was also stamped and popped in the pocket at the back of the book? Showing my age ...J

  5. Paige,
    Your crafts are always delightful. You definitely inherited a lot of creativity from your mom. The bookmarks you made are beautiful. I think that any person would have been thrilled to receive them as a gift - and it was so thoughtful of you to go give them to your local librarians! I think I am going to have to make some Paige-inspired bookmarks now for my own "library."
    Looking forward to seeing what you create next!

  6. Good job Paige, these bookmarks are so cute!

  7. Paige, your bookmarks are beautiful. It was so nice of you to make bookmarks for the librarians. You are so thoughtful.

  8. I love your bookmarks Paige! They are colorful and beautiful! You have inspired me to make one for myself. :-)

  9. paige did a really good job!! they are really pretty and what a sweet thing to do!

    and i loved playing 'library' when i was little. i even numbered my books with a sharpie marker! lol i also loved playing 'airport' and 'grocery store' lol i had a great imagination!!!

  10. Beautiful bookmarks. It is so nice to have great librarians! My girls love ours too. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Paige amazing job! What a talented little sweetheart you are! I have a little girl and I am going to
    Show her this fun idea and she will absolutely love making these!

  12. Paige, I can't believe how grown up you look in the picture with the librarians! Your tutorial looks great. I love the colors you used. I can't believe you used a glue gun all by yourself! I still can't use one very good, and I'm 26! :)

  13. Paige, your bookmarks are so beautiful! And it makes me even happier that you wanted to use your gifts to bless others!
    And I love the multi-strand bookmark, too! So pretty AND functional! :)

  14. Paige, the bookmarks are super cute. I could definitely use one to keep up with multiple Bible scriptures. (^_^)

    Side note to your Mom: I use to play library with my sister too. We'd use my mom's old credit cards as "library cards".

  15. Paige, you and your Mom are just the sweetest people. The bookmarks you made are lovely. I bet the librarians were so happy to receive them. Thank you for sharing your craft with us!

    I remember stamped due dates just like your Mom mentioned. When I was a kid I wanted to live in a library! Sometimes I still do. :)

  16. Paige, your bookmarks are so pretty!

  17. Hi, Paige! Just want you to know that I love this idea! How smart and creative of you. But, mostly, I am touched with what a thoughtful young lady you are! God bless you!

  18. Hi Paige! I sent this to my friend who is working at the Quaker Yearly Meeting. This is great!

  19. Very sweet! I especially love the three strand bookmarks. Great for marking multiple places in your book!

  20. Paige: That was AWESOME!!! Such a cute idea, and a wonderful way to say thank you to the librarians. :) It was so cool getting to see you last Sunday at the potluck. :)

    Mrs. Powless: Little 'baby' Paige is SO grown up! I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her at church. :D Such a cutie. By the way, say hi to CJ and give Captain-Little-Pants a hug for me!! :)
    ~Carrie W :)

  21. Dear Paige, I think these are the nicest bookmarks I have seen. I think my little girl would love to make these too. :)

  22. Dear Paige,

    Thank you very much fo the great bookmark idea! Sometimes I want to mark more than one place in my Bible and now I know who I can accomplish that. I can hardly wait to make one.


  23. This tutorial is just darling!! And so is Paige, of course(:

  24. Hahaha Paige is sooooo cute :) She does beautiful work, too! Just like her mama :)

  25. Hello Paige,
    I'm Elisabeth, librarian from Dresden, Germany and I really like the things you (and your mum) craft! A really sweet idea to craft something for your library ladies, I can imagine how they were pleased for receiving such a sweet gift, because I would feel the same if someone brings something with love hand crafted to our library. By the way, librarians seem to have the same names all over the world - my boss and me are called Elisabeth and a dear colleague who has former worked at my position was called Roxana. Small world!
    So, carry on reading (in libraries) and crafting (but don't forget showing us!)!!

    Lovely greetings, Elisabeth :-)

  26. Dear Paige, thank you for showing us this great idea. I really like to try yours and mum´s ideas with my little girls. One of our most favourite is the felt flower headband which we use quite often for our heads as well as a gift idea. I really liked that you wanted to give the bookmarks to the librarians, to bring them some joy. God bless you ..and looking forward to your next project. Love, Simona

  27. Paige, you really are a clever and very kind little poppet. When they're a bit older my sons will really like trying out your ideas. Thankyou for taking the time to show them to us.

  28. Hey there Paige!! I LOVE your craft! It is suuuper cute and can´t wait to try it out. I´ll be waiting for your next project, ok? bye bye sweety.

  29. Dear Paige

    Love this craft work by you. I would certainly make some with my daughter Aarotrika, who is 5 yrs old. WOULD LOOK FORWARD TO NEW CRAFT FROM YOU. GOD BLESS YOU.
    Mom, India

  30. So cute, and Paige is really a vary nice girl. Kisses from Spain

  31. Looks great! congratulations!
    From Romania - Melly

  32. you're not the only one...i still dream of being a librarian --- specifically to be a librarian in a small english town, and live in an old stone cottage with roses rambling across the roof.....oh, to dream!

    I LOVE the bookmarks...I am going to definitely try that with my 4 year old (And perhaps some of her friends on a playdate)

  33. Hi Paige!
    I love this idea! I read so many books at one time (because I can't wait to finish one before I start another one), so I always need lots of bookmarks. :o) I am so glad for these beautiful bookmark crafts! Now I will always know right where I left off in all my books. Thank you! I can't wait to read about your next craft! :)

  34. Brilliant idea Paige! I will be trying this!

    I love reading your Paige Craft's = they are always great! Thank you!

    *Hugs* Louise, England

  35. Hello Paige!

    Thank you for the fabulous idea! I think it's great, and I will be making some of these!

    I love your Paige Crafts series, they are always great to read!

    Louise, in England


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