"Hey, That's Mine!" (Thoughts on Theft)

First of all: I think my calendar is broken, guys. It says Christmas is in a week. :o/ *stunned face*

So, I've been thinking a lot about theft lately. More specifically, image and content theft online. I've had my images (and sometimes entire blog posts) taken and used without permission many times, and while it's a little irritating, it doesn't send me over the edge most of the time. After all, it's flattering in a way!

But several weeks ago a reader asked about a photo she'd seen on this website, saying that it looked a lot like Paige. It sure does, doesn't it? 'Cause it is her! One of my favorite photos of her, actually, from this post. I contacted the website several times over the last month about it, but they will not respond to me. I've never had that happen before, so I'm not really sure what to do from here.
(UPDATED to add: Mama Mia did respond today with a very sweet apology and they removed Paige's photo. They get their images from photo stock companies so they're looking into what happened. Many thanks to them for being so nice!!)

I've also been noticing on Instagram lately (@rufflesandstuff) that a lot of people are really concerned about their new privacy policy allowing for Instagram to have some rights to our content, (I believe Pinterest has a similar privacy policy, and FB too from what I understand) which is a little unsettling.

However. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I don't think I care. (No, haha, this is not me giving you permission to steal my content!) The things that are important to me in life are not photos or tutorials or credit or pride or fame. Sometimes people steal. That stinks. I wish they wouldn't, for their own sake. But none of these things truly belong to me anyway, this world is not my home. And while I'm here I want to spend my life creating and sharing, loving and helping, protecting innocence and spreading positivity. And I don't much care if Instagram wants to pretend that they were the ones who made that ruffled scarf. (Ok, I guess I care a little.) It seems so silly to think of it in context of all the important things in life.

And now that I've said that, I don't want you to think that I think people should be able to steal each other's stuff. I certainly don't. It's wrong!! Or that you shouldn't get upset if people steal your photos. People should never be allowed to take other people's things. And it's especially wrong when it's photos of someone's child. I guess I'm just spilling out my thoughts. It makes me sad that we even have to worry about protecting our things as carefully as we do. Can't we all just live in Candy Land where all is love and happiness and Heather Bailey Prints?? I guess that's not very realistic. :o)

Anyway. Just thoughts.

Take care!!

P.S. While I take a more supine position on this matter, Paige, who is very sensitive to injustice has informed me that if they steal another photo of her, she is going to call the police. May they be warned.


  1. Shame on that site for not responding to your emails. bless you for your forgiving attitude.

  2. Haha I love Paige's stand on the matter! I know what it's like to feel mad about someone stealing your photos and then silly for being mad at the same time. When I was in year 12 a girl who I thought was a good friend printed out some photos I took off Facebook and submitted them as her major work for photography! I was so mad that she would use me to cheat, I told the teacher and she got in heaps of trouble and then all my friends stopped talking to me because "it was all my fault Emily was going to get 0". I was like, um, okay. It's my fault she cheated?

    1. Wow, that is all kinds of lame! How sad that your friends blamed you!! Now MY sense of injustice is coming out...

  3. Well, I'm mad for you! Do you have any lawyer friends that can draft a cease-and-desist?? But you have a wonderful attitude, you are a beautiful person, through and through. :-)

  4. I love your positive attitude and love Paige's fierceness. :-)

    If ever someone steals one of my photos I just hope that they photoshop me onto a Victoria's Secret model's body. ^_^ And then if someone tells me "hey, isn't that you?" I'll say "why, yes, yes it is."

  5. What about contacting them via their FB page? Unfortunately, posting anything to the internet can result in theft. Whether it's intentional or not, it happens :( I know they're ugly, but consider watermarking your images. I do it to most of my IG photos (the nicer ones) as well as photos I upload to Facebook and Flickr so there is no mistaking who the owner is.

  6. PS- I am frustrated for you that this happened, especially because it's a picture of your sweet daughter. I hope they either remove the photo, or give credit where credit is due.

  7. I love your point of view on this matter. You use your platform in such a wonderful way and you inspire me! And that Paige is just too much... what a girl!

  8. It makes me mad, only because they should link it back to your site at least. that is what polite bloggers do! It's not like we are 12 and do not know how to do that. I commented on that website and told her how much of a arsehat (her words on her dumb article) she was for stealing your picture.

  9. This is such a refreshing attitude and I thank you for it. Too many people spend so much energy on things that simply do not matter in the end.

  10. I have a feeling they're going to be in heaps of trouble if Paige actually gets a hold of them!

  11. Awwwww, Paige. haha. Too cute!

    I just started adding a watermark to any of the pictures I really care about. Ribbet is a great site, you can do it online for free!

  12. It looks like they changed the picture on that website.

  13. Ahhh, what a refreshing view on this hot topic! While I am frustrated for you that your sweet picture of Paige was stolen, I can really appreciate your attitude. You've got your head on straight, lady!

  14. I love your eternal perspective. Aren't we offended so many times in life?!? Yet Christ was offended so much more by our sins… you, me, and those photo stealers. The Lord uses you! Much Love from SD, CA

  15. Re:"this world is not my home." More than all the great crafts and tutorials, I admire your unashamed love for the Lord!. My He continue to bless you and your family.(but I really to admire your work)

  16. Kudos Disney. I hear you and respect your decision. How much effort should you waste contacting them? That really is lame but you my dear blogger, are not. Your positivity is quite infectious, three cheers for Disney!!!

  17. Disney I like you, your blog, and your thoughts. I love that you share your love for the Lord in your writings. The main reasons I follow your blog and all your cute instagram picts is because of your love for the Lord, your a Pacific Northwest girl (like myself), and of course your pretty crafty too. Your blog, and your honesty make me smile...thanks, Heidi

  18. I've had a lot of this going on lately. It's sad. Sometimes I don't think they know they are doing wrong, but then other times when they take a whole post I think they should know better. Usually I get more upset over the thought of them making a profit from my stuff, but I need to give it to the Lord. Thanks for that reminder.

  19. That's an adorable picture of Paige!! I hate it when my pictures/content get stolen but I too think of it as a compliment! You're in luck though, because the website that stole your picture changed it:)

  20. She can't steal Paige or Paige's photos. That's completely wrong. It's bad when someone steals your project or content but absolutely wrong when they touch your child. Shame on her.

  21. I feel the same way. It doesn't tear me up inside or anything. I totally think it's wrong, but it happens.

    If they were going to steal a picture, that's a great one to steal! ;-)

    They should have responded to your emails and at least given you credit after the fact.

  22. It seems they've changed the picture. I am sorry that this has happened to you. Yuck.

  23. Looks like the picture is changed now. Yay! So sorry that happened to you. I've had the same thing happen with my blog images. I feel like some people are just uninformed but others really know it's stealing.

  24. I think Daniii is on to something. A watermark or something that pops out (I have no idea what the technical term would be) when used by others would be an ideal way to halt this kind of nonsense.

    It's just plain wrong. :(

    And at the same time....I understand your willingness to let this matter go as you contemplate how lucky you are to have Paige in your life at this very dark time....

    The choices people make in this life will ultimately speak on their behalf.

  25. I am with you, and probably a little bit more lenient than you. Let's be serious here, how many of these offended-by-Instagram people are really putting out material good enough to steal? You're absolutely right, if someone steals it, it's because they 1) think your work is awesome, and 2) lack the confidence to make something just as great, which sucks for them.

    When people get their feathers ruffled about their "property", I just want to say, "this is the internet, people. If you put it on a blog, FB, IG or Bob's BBQ Barn's website, there's a chance it's going to be stolen. You aren't ENTITLED to compensation because you chose put it on a public media." You are so right, in the grand scheme of things, why is such offense taken when really, more love should be given... even to jerks. ;)

    1. Yes, it is definitely a risk. Although an individual owns the copyright to their work just as Gap.com, MarthaStewart.com or any other online company does and they are entitled to the same rights. But again, my point is that I need to keep a good perspective about what's important in the end. :o)

  26. interesting, Mama Mia have been getting a lot of flack recently for not paying most of their writers. As they are a profit making business (who employ multiple staff, graphic designers, fashion editors etc) they really should know better.

  27. Agreed! If you are awesome...you'll get copied and stolen. Not okay, not right. But...it's the nature of the business. And that picture is fantastic! I would steal it (okay, I wouldn't, but it's great!)

  28. Sorry that your images and ideas are being stolen! It really gets in my craw when people just post people's images without any sources (or without asking for permission) -- especially since I have a friend who steals people's images for her personal blog all the time. GAHHHH! But you have the right perspective. Glad you're taking the high road!

    1. Haha, when I first started my blog I was so clueless about copyrights and internettiquette, so unfortunately I even used photos inappropriately at times. The bloggers who do the same don't offend me, but of course larger corporations or people trying to pass off others' work as their own isn't cool.

  29. Unfortunately, I think you should be worried/angry about Instagram's changes. They mean that photos of you and your family can be used on giant billboards without you having anything to say :-(

  30. I'm glad I came by after the update - or I would have been pretty angry and felt exactly like Paige. I'm happy that one is solved, and your attitude is inspiring me to be less cranky about stuff like this. Thanks for posting such a sensible thoughtful opinion.

  31. Let me start by saying I like your blog, (however, you're theme is quickly evolving into a photography blog). What I don't understand; and this is in reference to people in general who use public medium to talk about themselves whether in text or photos; is that some people are surprised by thief. The internet is relatively new and the laws are weak in terms of defining image and content ownership. I know somethings are common sense but a lot is not. Also, re posting pictures of children (and now I know I'm going to offend you) - I've always wished people wouldn't do that as the photos can be used by those men who like children for all the wrong reasons.
    No offense taken if you delete this comment, it's merely my opinion, nothing more.

    1. Oh, Gail, you could never offend me just by sharing your opinion, especially when it is done in such a polite way. :O) Haha, I guess I hadn't really noticed the photography theme developing. My blog does tend to reflect whatever I'm passionate about at the moment, and I've been enjoying photography a lot lately, but I can assure you there is a lot of sewing going on in the background here. But unfortunately I won't be able to share it for a year or so. (Wink, wink) Sorry if it's a little uninteresting to you for now!

      As for the internet/theft thing, of course, you're right, it shouldn't be surprising. But I hope that we always feel a sense of shock and surprise at theft of any kind.

      What you said about children's photos is such a serious issue to me, and one that has crossed my mind many times. I hate that there are people who's thoughts toward children are impure, it literally makes me want to throw up. But I think that children are the most pure and wonderful thing on earth, and the more pictures of children this world sees, the better. :O)

  32. It's such a strange thing...you put up photos and tutorials because you want others to have the fun that you are having (that is why you post them)...but then things happen like photos of you kids on Etsy with people selling stuff they made from your tutorials and your kids are what they are advertising with...and thats not waht you intended...Usually Elizabeth and I are pretty easy going but sometimes we want to be like Paige and call the police :)

    This internet is such a crazy place...but luckily its usually crazy in a good way. Especially with people like you.
    Happy Holidays

    1. Haha, yes, I've seen that, too! So weird. I suppose people think that it won't be a big deal, but it's just so strange when it's your own children.

      It is a crazy place! People are crazy things...but I love them! :O) (Maybe because I'm the craziest of all?)

      Thanks for your sweet words. ;o)

  33. I think there's a bit of difference between people using your photos and ideas because they love them and want to share them too and people/multimillion dollar corporations having the rights to your photos and ideas and being entitled to do whatever they want with them. What if, for example, they used one of your pictures in conjunction with something you are totally against or they take your content and ideas and make huge amounts of money from it without paying you a cent? I know, you don't share it to make money but does that give others license to make money off of your creativity? What if they start producing that ruffled scarf using child labour in Asia or Africa?

    I think maybe as users of a very public medium that we have a responsibility to be aware of who is using our stuff and what they're using it for.

  34. I love this post! I guess I feel the same way - just want to connect with other crafty people and wish everyone would automatically play nice.

    I have a daughter who would also be one to call the police! LOL!

  35. So glad to hear you're still sewing Disney. I can't tell you how stupidly proud I was having sewn my first child's skirt following your instructions three years ago. Sewing has been an almost daily part of my life since. I noticed sewing had been missing from your blog since you returned but am happy to know its still going on in the background. Thank you again for your clear and unintimidating instructions. X

  36. From their response, it sounds as if someone stole the photo and sold it to a stock company. If true, that means someone outright profited from your work - and your daughters adorable image - which is even worse than simply neglecting to give credit. Sorry that happened to you. I guess I should be grateful my stuff is never good enough to steal LOL

    A quick Google search shows that pic has made its way to all corners of the web, even pages in Russian & Polish


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