DIY Gift Bow Ornaments!

The Gift Bow Garlands we made a few days ago? Just so you know, they make cute ornaments, too!

So today was super fun. :o) I invited three of Paige's little girlfriends over for a craft day and we made pocket scarves, jewelry and these little gift bow ornaments! It was pretty hectic (in a good way!) so I didn't have a chance to snap photos of the girls working, but I did snap these few shots of the ornaments Paige and I made together.

We started out with store bought gift bows, sandwiching a 8'' length of string between the sticky backs to hang them on the tree. Then we followed this tutorial to make our own with scrap booking paper! The girls loved picking out papers to use (all of which were pink, haha) and so did I, to tell you the truth.

The only advice I would give for the handmade bows is that you need a glue gun to make them really stick. I tried a glue stick first, then double stick tape, but they came apart pretty easily. But a glue gun always saves the day!

I could make you sick with all the handmade gift bow projects that I'd love to make. I don't know what it is about them, they're such cute, perky little things!

See you soon, friends!



  1. Good Idea! They look super cute

  2. So simple, so awesome. I love it, as always! Making the tree a true Christmas gift :)

  3. I can't believe how simple and cute these are! I love the colour scheme of your tree, by the way!

  4. I think they look great on the tree! They remind me of origami.

  5. These are really cute Disney! I'm a long time reader but have never commented before. Just wanted to say you are so creative and such a fantastic mother. Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  6. I love that idea! I've got to try it if I get my hands on some bows :)

  7. Great idea. Thanks for sharing. As a quick update, God has given my husband a complete healing after his heart attack. He had an echocardiogram last week, and the doctor could not find any sign of damage and said he has reversed his heart disease. Samantha is now 16 months old and doing amazing. One of my daughters just got married, and I will be a first-time grandmother in February. More complete update on my blog post today.

  8. Thanks for sharing! I had fun time doing this with my daughters yesterday. They announced :" good girl will get this deco flower !"


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