Thanks! From OLI

Just got this card in the mail from Orphan's Lifeline Int'l. I thought I'd pass it on, since it was your votes for the Pins and Needles sewing contest that allowed the donation to go through! 

Thank you!

And I'll be seeing you guys soon, I promise! I've been working my little tail off for a couple of magazine features, but I'm almost done with them. :o) Then (after I get my house back in order!) I can get started on some sewing. I feel like I haven't sewn in ages! I miss my little machine like crazy. 

And! I've been thinking about getting crazy and trying to sew from an actual pattern. 

I know. 

It's nuts. 

I guess I'm feeling a little gutsy lately. :o) Wish me luck!



  1. So sweet! Love those smiles!


  2. Good luck! :-)
    I heartily recommend muslining first, if you sew from a pattern that's new for you. It sounds like twice the trouble, but troubleshooting with a muslin makes it at least half the trouble!

  3. You seem so like me when it comes to sewing. I do fine as long as I can figure it out on my own, but patterns confuse me! I find it much easier to just try and create something in my head...and fit it together in a way that makes sense to me!


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