Our Back Yard

We got to play in the yard today. Hooray for spring! 


  1. How sweet! I can't wait for the cold weather to pass here in Kansas so I can get my hands back in the dirt!

  2. Aaah Spring! Your pictures are so amazing! I would love you to do another post on photography tips and if you do touch ups.

  3. Your pictures are amazing! And hooray for playing in the backyard. We did to. Oh how I love spring with the littles

  4. I'm so jealous of all the lovely green things you have growing! Here in Wyoming we're still getting snow so everything is a lovely shade of brown or beige. :)

  5. It was wonderful today huh? Too darn windy but super nice! Your photo's are great like always! Hope you get to enjoy more days outside in the sun:)

  6. Hi Disney,

    The pictures are lovely!!!


  7. Yes, HORRAYY! :) Stil a little bit snowy in Norway, but soon it is really spring.

  8. ahh i want to start planting too, yet it snowed last night here!

  9. WIsh we didn't still have snow on the ground! I have been enjoying your tshirt apron tutorial, and made some fun super hero/cape aprons. Thanks for the inspiration.


  10. I'm SO jealous. It's a lovely 36 degrees here. Oh well, it'll be here soon enough!

  11. Yayyyyy I LOVE spring!!
    Your pictures are just


  12. oh...that's wonderful :)) it's also kind of spring in my country, but only from tomorrow, 'cause it will be +18 in daytime :)))

  13. So wonderful to see signs of spring. We still have "dirty snow" on the edges of the yard, but I know its just a matter of days... Yeah for spring!!

  14. I love seeing new buds. We are in Iowa and it snowed again the other day. Luckily it did melt and then we saw some teeny flowers around our tree. Amazing they survived.

    Enjoy many more days of working and playing in the yard!

    Love the Book Art! Need to go check that out!


  15. Spring is always a most awesome feeling..happy spring ~

  16. Lucky you guys! I'm terribly jealous!!! The ground here will still be frozen until May!

    Have fun : )

  17. You're very lucky, Disney to enjoy such a wonderful yard at this time of year. Where I am in Canada (oh how stereotypical...), we have a winter storm warning, expecting another 10-25 cm (apparently 4-10 inches...) on top of the 5-10 we've already received since last night. (This actually makes me laugh... a lot! Canada does get nice weather, I promise!)

    Beautiful photos from a beautiful family!

  18. Everything looks so pretty! I've been slowly working around my yard too. Here in the SW, we skip Spring and Fall. :( Our temps are now nearing 100. But I still enjoy working in my yard. Can I ask what those purple flowers are? They are lovely! I'd love to plant some in our window boxes. :)

  19. Oh! So pretty!

    Your herb pots - I love the idea of writing right on the pot, what kind of pencil did you use??

    I'm so excited to get my garden going. My kids and I were talking about which vegetables to plant in our plot at the church (they bought me one last year as a Mother's Day gift, and we decided to renew it this year, because frankly, my yard has such horrible soil, and never ever enough sunlight for all the things I love!) Soon soon spring will actually hit us here in Canada!!

  20. Thanks! I used a white charcoal pencil that randomly turned up in my house. I would think an art/craft supply store would have them!

  21. hooray for spring is right! unfortunately boston is having rain, and too much of it, but i plan on getting out there when it stops!


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