Rain, Rain....

It rained today.


  1. precious....that's all that comes to my mind!

  2. I just stumbled across your blog tonight & think it is scrumptous!!! I want to be a sewer but don't know how - where would you suggest starting out? Following you!!

  3. gorgeous pics! If they were in black and white, they would remind me of all those beautiful children pictures I see in big frames. Do you know what I am talking about? Your daughter is a beauty!!!!

  4. Oh! So beautiful! What precious photos.
    Visiting from SITS. Have a blessed day.

  5. She's gorgeous! My daughter's about the same age and she *loves* her "bra-le-la".

  6. I could not be more excited to find your blog! I am a stay-at-home mom of a little girl not much older than yours and I ADORE your crafts. I have just spent a ton of that precious "Dad is putting her to bed so I have some time to myself" time to check out some of your recent posts. I am delirious to see that you just visited Levenworth, WA...I recently made my first trip too! Please continue to create and ruffle knowing that you have another happy reader.

  7. I'm so happy that you're delirious!! Do you live in WA, too? Wouldn't that be funny if we were in the same town? I'm beside myself with delight that you are enjoying the blog so much. I know I love it when I discover new craft blogs, too! Happy crafting!

  8. I do not live in WA. I'm a spud Idahoan. But let me tell you what my biggest problem is. SLEEVES! They scare me to death! I know I can totally add those cute ta boot ruffles and ruffle flowers. You get most of your excess matching material to do the ruffles from the sleeves, and I just dont think I can sew them back on. Maybe...Maybe I can get something long sleeved and not cut the whole sleeve off. Hmmmm...I'm going to figure something out! I love your vintage look, and am sick of buying all my vintage style clothes, when I could make a lot!
    P.S. I will soon be ordering your Tuscan Necklace...MMMM!!! And your daughter is a beautiful model. Seriously.

  9. She's adorable!! Love the pics!

    {I live in WA, too. =) }

    Thanks for visiting on my SITS day!!

  10. Hi Disney,

    I do live in Washington state! I live in Seattle...you? Sorry about the "anonymous" part. I just took the path of least resistance when commenting. My name is Sine. (Pronounced "Sheena" funny Irish name like "Sean" sounds like "Shawn")

  11. Love these pics...esp. the last one. Neat

  12. i really love your kid's expression. she's veryyy cute!!


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