I used's random number generator to choose the winner for the "Heirloom" Necklace Giveaway, and the winner is Kara, who said "Super beautiful! Your blog gives me so much inspiration. "
I'm so flattered to be an inspiration to you! I hope you enjoy the necklace!!


  1. Absolutely you can borrow the picture. I need to figure out how to make a button, I'm such a goober when it comes to things like that, so the giveaway will be done by the time I figure it out. Lol And yes, I am bummed I didn't win that FABULOUS necklace you were giving away. But, I'll be ok. Lol

  2. My email is, if you ever want to contact me. I would LOVE a button! But I don't want you to make one for nothing. I will make you something special and send it to you. Lol It would take me months to figure it out and I don't have photoshop I have Picasa.


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